Olá! This post is very important! You are going to learn how to organize a sentence with a preposition in Portuguese. Some sentences need to have a specific preposition, which is required by a specific verb. Here we will learn some of them and – of course – practice them! Ready?
What is a preposition?
First, we need to understand what a preposition is.
List of Portuguese prepositions:
Portuguese | English |
a/para | to |
acima de | above |
antes de/perante | before |
após/depois de | after |
até | until |
com | with |
como | as |
de/desde | from |
diante de/perante | in front of |
em | in |
em/sobre | on |
entre | between |
para/por | for |
perto de | near |
por | by |
sob | under |
sobre | about |
Verbs that requires a preposition to connect them to the complement:
1. estar em
Eles estão em casa. (They are at home)
2. precisar de
Precisamos de ajuda. (We need help)
3. voltar para
Ela voltou para a casa tarde. (She returned home late)
4. gostar de
Eu gosto de vinho branco. (I like white wine)
5. parar de
Ela quer parar de trabalhar. (She wants to stop working)
6. começar a
Ele começou a aprender português há um mês. (He started learning Portuguese one month ago).
7. acabar de
Acabei de comer. (I just ate.)
Now you will never make a mistake with these verbs. Practice creating your own sentences. You can leave a comment with them and we will correct them for you! Good luck!
If you want to see the pronunciation of the sentences above and more examples and extra explanations, watch the full class we had on Youtube about it. Just CLICK HERE to watch it.
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