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Grammar Tips

Connecting sentences in Brazilian Portuguese

Yes Portuguese
Escrito por Yes Portuguese em dezembro 10, 2020
Connecting sentences in Brazilian Portuguese
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Olá! Today we will talk about connectors in Portuguese – words and phrases used to connect sentences and ideas. They are very important because, as their name suggests, they connect two sentences and put them together in a way that makes sense when we speak. Connecting sentences in Brazilian Portuguese is something very important to improve your speaking.


We will start learning some connectors and their uses in sentences. In Portuguese they are called “conjunções”. They are divided into different categories according to the meaning they express in the sentence. There are many of them, but today we will show you only the ones called “conjunções coordenativas”. These are the connectors that connect independent clauses. In another class, we will teach you the “conjunções subordinativas”, the connectors that connect dependent clauses.

1. Conjunções aditivas – adding ideas and information



mas também

como também

bem como


Você e eu podemos estudar juntos. (You and I can study together).

Ele não só estuda, como também trabalha. (He not only studies, but he also works)

Ela não quer nem comer nem sair de casa. (She doesn’t want to eat or leave the house)

2. Conjunções adversativas – opposing ideas





no entanto



Eu queria ir à praia hoje, mas está muito frio. (I wanted to go to the beach today, but it is too cold).

Ele estuda muito, contudo ainda não se sente confiante para falar. (He studies a lot, however he still doesn’t feel confident to speak.)

3. Conjunções alternativas – presenting options







Ou vamos ao Cristo Redentor ou ao Pão de açúcar, os dois não dá. (Either we go to Christ the Redeemer or the Sugar Loaf, we can’t do both.)

Seja bom ou seja ruim, você tem que tomar o remédio. (Being good or being bad, you have to take the medicine.)

Quer você venha em janeiro, quer você venha em abril, você tem que vir ao Brasil. (Whether you come in January, whether you come in April, you have to come to Brazil.)

4. Conjunções explicativas – giving explanations




Eu gosto de estudar com Yes Portuguese, porque Adrieli e Ludmila são divertidas. (I like to study with Yes Portuguese, because Adrieli and Ludmila are funny).

Os alunos vieram à aula, pois queriam aprender. (The students came to class, because they wanted to learn).

5. Conjunções conclusivas – ending an idea



por isso



Hoje está muito calor. Por isso, estou bebendo muita água. (Today is too hot. Because of that, I’m drinking a lot of water.)

Eu quero aprender português. Portanto, estou estudando com Yes Portuguese. (I want to learn Portuguese. Therefore, I’m studying with Yes Portuguese.)

Now, to watch a full class about these connectors with some extra examples and explanations, CLICK HERE.

You can also learn about Portuguese prepositions in this post here. They are also very important connectors inside clauses. 

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