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Fairy Tales in Brazilian Portuguese

Yes Portuguese
Escrito por Yes Portuguese em outubro 22, 2020
Fairy Tales in Brazilian Portuguese
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Since we are very young we listen to fairy tales. Cinderella, Rapunzel, Snow White and so on. They are part of our universal culture, thus they are also present in the language. We make jokes including them, we have expressions using a related vocabulary. That’s why this content is also important when studying a new language.

So let’s learn today the name of some fairy tales, of the main characters and the most used vocabulary in this context. All about fairy tales in Brazilian Portuguese!


In this first section, we will show you the most used vocabulary in the context of fairy tales. By the way, fairy tales in Brazilian Portuguese is called Contos de Fada!

Príncipe / Princesa

Rainha / Rei

Fada madrinha


Varinha de condão / Varinha mágica

Poção mágica

Floresta encantada

A Bela Adormecida

Now we will learn the names of some fairy tales and the most important characters.

  • Aurora (princesa)
  • Malévola (bruxa)
  • Feitiço: espetar o dedo na roca e adormecer

Branca de Neve

  • Rainha Má
  • Caçador
  • Os sete anões
  • Maçã envenenada


  • Trança
  • Torre

A Bela e Fera


A Pequena Sereia

  • Ariel

O Pequeno Príncipe

  • A raposa
  • A rosa

If you would like to learn about other fairy tales we didn’t mention here, tell us in the comment section and we will be glad to make another article or class about it!

Now, tell us: what’s your favorite fairy tale? And why?


Put these sentences in the correct order:

  1. envenenada – A – estava – maçã
  1. não – má – A – era – bruxa – tão
  1. a menina – a varinha mágica – A fada – ajudar – usou – para
  1. na floresta encantada – entrou – a princesa – Ele – para – salvar

Use the comment section to give your answers. We’ll correct them to you.

Watch the full class about fairy tales in Brazilian Portuguese. In the video we explain this vocabulary and much more!


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One Reply to “Fairy Tales in Brazilian Portuguese”


A maçã estava envenenada
A bruxa não era tão má
A fada usou a varinha mágica para ajudar a menina
Ele entrou na floresta encantada para salvar a princesa