In this article, you will learn new vocabulary in Brazilian Portuguese related to children.
On October 12th there are two celebrations here in Brazil. One of them it’s Our Lady Aparecida’s Day, the patroness of Brazil. There’s a huge church in her name in the city of Aparecida, in the state of São Paulo, where people go on this date to celebrate her.
But October 12th is also the Children’s Day – o Dia das Crianças – , celebrated in Brazil mainly after 1955. Since this date is coming, we decided to talk about vocabulary related to children today. Let’s go?
Jogo (de tabuleiro)
Vídeo game
- Pular corda (Skip rope)
- Soltar pipa (Fly a kite)
Brincar de…
Use the verb “brincar” with the following:
- Telefone sem fio (Broken telephone)
- Cabra cega (Play blind man’s buff)
- Esconde-esconde (Hide and seek)
- Pique-pega (Tag)
- O mestre mandou (Simon says)
Brincar de / Jogar…
You can use either “brincar” or “jogar” with the following:
- Queimada (Dodgeball)
- Amarelinha (Hopscotch)
- Bolinha de gude (Marbles)
Como as crianças chamam…
Os pais:
- Mamãe / mãe
- Papai / pai
Os avós:
- Vovô / vô
- Vovó / vó
A professora:
- Tia Marcelle / Professora
- Tio Roberto / Professor
If you wanna know more about this vocabulary and how to use it, watch our class about it here:
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