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Study with Videos

Learn Portuguese with a Movie: “Minha vida em Marte”

Yes Portuguese
Escrito por Yes Portuguese em maio 13, 2020
Learn Portuguese with a Movie: “Minha vida em Marte”
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Hey everyone! In this class we will learn Portuguese with a movie. I’m very excited to show you how you can do it, so let’s begin!

To learn Portuguese with a movie we will get through the following steps:

#1 Choose a scene of a movie you like

It’s easier if you pick a scene of a movie you have watched, but it’s not necessary.

#2 Watch this scene many times to practice your listening

without reading subtitles or transcriptions.

#3 Watch it again with subtitles or transcriptions. 

Read it. Concentrate in the form of the words and their sounds.

#4 Study the sentences and their translation.

See if you can recognize anything – words, expressions, grammar structures.

#5 Take notes of new grammar topics

For example: verbs in the past, adjectives and adverbs position, and so on.

#6 Add sentences with new vocabulary or expressions to your ANKI 

This is really, really really important! Add them to ANKI and revise them daily to never forget what you’ve learned!

Now let’s go to the best part! The complete movie is available on Youtube. You can watch it here from the scene we picked for this activity. In the end of this post you can also find the transcription of it.



FERNANDA: Tom, a água acabou!

TOM: É um teste que eu tô fazendo.

FERNANDA: Como assim?

TOM: Eu criei um sistema que ele corta a água do banho depois de quatro minutos.

E esse é o tempo máximo, né, se você pensar numa forma sustentável de economizar água do mundo.

FERNANDA: Eu acho lindo você se preocupar com o planeta.

Mas você não acha que eu deveria ter sido comunicada?

TOM: Então tá bom, Fernanda, desculpa. Eu esqueci.

FERNANDA: Ah, cê esqueceu, Tom?

Sua mulher com o cabelo desse tamanho precisa de água pra arrancar o shampoo dessa cabeça.

TOM: Fernanda, são quatro minutos, não dá tempo?

Tom, the water is over!

 It’s a test that I am doing.

How so?

I created a system that cuts the water of the shower after four minutes.

And this is the maximum time, right, if you think in a sustainable way of saving world’s water.

I think it’s beautiful you worrying about the planet.

But don’t you think I should be warned?

 It’s fine then, Fernanda, I’m sorry. I forgot.

Ah, you forgot, Tom?

Your woman with a hair this long needs water to take the shampoo off this head.

Fernanda, it’s four minutes, isn’t enough time?

From the video, you can find new grammar topics.

And right here below you have some exercises to practice! Good luck!

1) Present progressive

—> É um teste que eu tô fazendo.


Let’s conjugate FAZER in the Present Progressive:

Eu  ____________________  __________________________

Você ____________________  __________________________

Ele ____________________  __________________________

Ela ____________________  __________________________

A gente ____________________  __________________________

Nós ____________________  __________________________

Vocês ____________________  __________________________

Eles ____________________  __________________________

Elas ____________________  __________________________

2) Simple past (Pretérito perfeito)

—> Tom, a água acabou!

—> Eu criei um sistema

—> Eu esqueci.

—> Ah, cê esqueceu, Tom? 

Let’s conjugate the verbs above in the simple past:


Eu  ____________________ 

Você ____________________  

Ele ____________________  

Ela ____________________  

A gente ____________________  

Nós ____________________  

Vocês ____________________ 

Eles/Elas ____________________ 


Eu  ____________________ 

Você ____________________  

Ele ____________________  

Ela ____________________  

A gente ____________________  

Nós ____________________  

Vocês ____________________ 

Eles/Elas  ____________________ 


Eu  ____________________ 

Você ____________________  

Ele ____________________  

Ela ____________________  

A gente ____________________  

Nós ____________________  

Vocês ____________________ 

Eles/Elas ____________________ 

3) Futuro do pretérito

—> Mas você não acha que eu deveria ter sido comunicada?

Let’s conjugate the verb DEVER in Futuro do pretérito:

Eu  ____________________ 

Você ____________________  

Ele ____________________  

Ela ____________________  

A gente ____________________  

Nós ____________________  

Vocês ____________________ 

Eles/Elas ____________________ 

4) Conditionals

—> E esse é o tempo máximo, né, se você pensar numa forma sustentável de economizar água do mundo.

Se = If

We use SE with verbs in the subjunctive mode. Both past and future tenses. Take a look:







SE + Eles/Elas + PENSASSEM



SE + Você + PENSAR

SE + Ele/Ela + PENSAR



SE + Eles/Elas + PENSAREM

But, pay attention:

—> Eu acho lindo você se preocupar com o planeta. 

“Se” in the sentence above is not a conditional. It’s a reflexive pronoun.

Hope you’ve liked this post and do the exercise! Keep practicing and soon you will be speaking Portuguese fluently! To watch a complete class about this topic, see the video below.


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